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NEW BODi Partner/ Affiliate Program

In less than a month, Beachbody will formally transition to BODi. It is a symbolic transition from focusing less on external appearances and vanity metrics to creating health esteem routines and loving the journey during every phase.

With this change we also have a new income opportunity for new customers, veteran customers, and others looking to monetize on the social selling era through a passion for health and fitness... introducing, BODi Partners. You can now "partner" with your favorite health and wellness brand to help others in every aspect of their life goals -- from body, to mind, to bank account.

Why this this significant? Well, it is clear that the world of social selling, influencer marketing, and creating secondary streams of income is exploding. Why?!? Because it is simply SMART to do. It is smart to partner with brands and companies you love to generate passive and residual income now and into the future.

Why partner with BODi? There is no downside. Many of you have been loyal customers for YEARS because you appreciate the value of our world-class fitness programs, supplements, and nutrition plans. In fact, many of you have likely referred friends and family to BODi for ordering of subscriptions and even Shakeology. Did you know you can earn that commission as a BODi Partner? While the traditional ways of earning through this opportunity are alive and well -- this is a fresh new path that we are forging to those that want weekly paychecks by selling the products they love! Give me all the Energize.

I did the math -- selling just 5 yearly BODi subscriptions per month can generate over $4000 in commissions per year? Now think of doing that for 2, 3, 4 years consistently. The opportunity is real. Whether you want disposable income, an emergency fund, or to travel -- this can be IT.

If you are interested in hearing more -- click the link below.

To kick-off, we are hosting a BODi Partner Masterclass at 8:00 PM EST tonight.

If you are ready to partner but can't catch that, I can shoot you over the replay.

I am excited to partner WITH YOU!

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© 2017 by Tara Sena Fitness. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Beachbody and I do not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach's income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. Transformation results in my challenge groups vary depending on goals, current BMI, health condition and effort. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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