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Tara Sena

Five Star Diamond Beachbody Coach
2x Premiere Coach
Success Club 10 Legend
Founder of Team
Elevation Nation


My journey started many years ago. Prior to having children I was constantly a yo-yo dieter, struggling to lose weight just to gain it back again. It was a never ending cycle. I struggled with fertility issues and multipole miscarriages, which lead to even more stress and hormonal related weight gain. After the birth of my second son I was 100 lbs overweight. 




Dieting was not something I enjoyed. Exercise I despised. I was embarrassed with my body and resented going into a gym and seeing all those skinny, fit girls I wanted so badly to be like. So I looked for shortcuts. I tried diet pills...over the counter, prescription, even illegal ones. I tried laser treatments, non invasive body contouring, wrapping myself in cellophane and going in infrared beds...can't make this up! As well as any and all the latest fad that guaranteed results: patches, vitamin injections that left my body bruised, hormone treatments, you name it. I was open to ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. Well, everything except the one thing that I knew would work-nutrition and exercise.

Something inside of me wouldn't let me surrender just yet. With fear of going into the gym, I decided to start running. Well, it was more like brisk walking. With just a few times a week I started to notice very slow changes, so I increased it and saw more changes. Hmmmmm, maybe I'm onto something. I started eating better, not following a strict fad diet, just better. More changes came my way. I became more motivated and eventually got into a gym. 

Then God had something else in store for me. I got pregnant with my third son. I refused to let this be another 60-70 lb pregnancy. I planned on working out throughout my entire pregnancy and eating healthy; but, I was lucky if I got to the gym 2-3x a week. Hormones kicked in and my days worth of eating healthy was topped off with ice cream before bed. I did way better than I did my previous pregnancies, but I still packed on 50 lbs. I refused to see the 200 lb mark again and delivered my third son at 199 lbs on the dot. Here we go again...

I tried to get back into the routine; but wow, life is hard with three kids. When the baby was old enough to take to the gym I attempted it but without fail the kids club teachers would come find me mid-workout to tell me he wouldn't stop crying. I needed something that wouldn't take up a lot of time, that I could do with my kids running around, and that I could get results with, that I could be CONSISTENT with. Enter Beachbody! 

I started using our fitness programs in 2015 and have NOT stopped yet! I have competed in our Beachbody Classic Physique Competition, multiple Spartan races, and after three kids was in better shape than even pre-kids. But wait...


In 2021, God sent me my bonus baby, a true miracle...

A woman who one struggled with fertility issues, now in the best shape of her life, and pregnant with her fourth at the age of 40.  In true fashion, pregnancy was not kind to me. I navigated through pregnancy with extreme anxiety and depression and as a result of having an unsupportive partner, the shock, the stress, my age, hormones, I gained the most weight despite working out daily up to his delivery. I had to start all over, yet again. I started with Beachbody programs within 6 weeks of delivery and achieved a 70 lb weight loss by 9 months postpartum. I am very proud of my body and all that it has overcome, but without the ease of home workouts  and the effectiveness of our programs, it would have never been possible. 

In addition to achieving my health, fitness, and body goals with Beachbody programs; I have also achieved financial relief and time flexibility by helping others achieve their goals. When I began coaching in 2015, I was a public school teacher who had just gone through a very expensive and drawn out divorce. With over a hundred thousand in debt, legal fees that would take a lifetime to pay off, and three boys and I living off a teachers income; I watched as my car get repossessed, went through bankruptcy, and was officially at rock bottom. Struggling paycheck to paycheck, dreaming of a better life for my children and I, and not knowing what the future held. It was at that time the coaching opportunity was presented to me. It was a God sent no doubt. I initially started just to bridge the gap between my teaching salary and survival but quickly realized this opportunity could change my life beyond my expectations. In 2016 I jumped all in and began treating coaching like a business and 2 years later I was able to retire myself as a teacher. I came home to be a fully present mom while working in pockets of time with Beachbody being my family's sole income. In the past 4 years as a full time coach I have been able to travel the world, give my family more life experiences, and the best- be a full time mom. Now with a 4th baby, as a single mom as well, I for the first time do not have to rely on daycare and can be there for every milestone.

My team and I have also achieved many accolades within the business. We are officially a Five Star Diamond Coaching Team and 2X Premiere Team. 

I am excited and eager to see what else this opportunity has in store for me and my team. If you want more info on the coaching opportunity, click here.


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© 2017 by Tara Sena Fitness. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Beachbody and I do not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach's income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. Transformation results in my challenge groups vary depending on goals, current BMI, health condition and effort. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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